kedd, szeptember 15, 2009

too busy to notice me

There were so many busy bees this morning. I didn't even feel threatened, even though they were swarming all around me while I was taking the photos.

vasárnap, szeptember 13, 2009

Crapcam celebrates NYC400

I love it when New York doesn't look like "New York"

Especially when it looks like The Netherlands!

hétfő, szeptember 07, 2009

Crapcam goes to a powwow

63rd Annual Shinnecock Powwow,
Shinnecock Reservation (South Hampton, Long Island, NY)

péntek, szeptember 04, 2009


Each petal was almost the length of my hand!

vasárnap, augusztus 16, 2009

Crapcam goes to the beach

I try to go at least once a year. The thing about this is, I'm standing up by the dunes ... What happened to all of the beach?!? The water was never this close before.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

péntek, augusztus 07, 2009

Neighborhood trees

I've got a new "crapcam" so I walked home a different way to see what I could see.  There are a lot of old trees in my neighborhood.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

péntek, június 12, 2009

rainy roses

For whatever reason, irises didn't interest me this year.