péntek, augusztus 11, 2006

kedd, július 18, 2006

visit NYC

and see the sights:

Battery Maritime Building

Castle William on Governor's Island

The Bohemian Beer Garden

The Wonder Wheel at Coney Island

hétfő, július 10, 2006

Please, I'm trying to enjoy my beer ...

... could you keep your butt crack covered?

csütörtök, május 25, 2006

another iris

Yet another iris

This one seemed to have a little brown in it.

is it me or are the squirrels insane?

suntanning ... hanging from trees like bats?

hétfő, május 22, 2006

Great day for sunning

Even the squirrels seem to think so!

csütörtök, május 18, 2006

don't get me to lying

I don't know what the hell is going on here. And there were two girls in bikinis and paint running with him (but they're blocked by the guy in black).

szerda, május 17, 2006

vasárnap, május 14, 2006

my garden

lettuces, onions, tomatoes, sage, thyme, rosemary, strawberries, cilantro, mint, oregano, dill, parsley, lavender, basil ... all in pots

péntek, március 17, 2006

green beer!

Dogfish Head Verdi Verdi Good - beer brewed with spirulina to make it naturally green. And the second concoction has Guinness floated over it, which we're calling "Black Irish."