Traditional subway rat (a small one) in a Chinese food takeout box at West 4th Street

Same rat, to the left of box

A severed bird's head in front of our Labor Relations building; that can't be a good omen.
I have a cellular phone with a camera.
I see stuff.
I post it here.
Typical NYC street fair scene:
this is at the Big Apple BBQ in Madison Square Park on 6/11/05.
A picture of nothing from my commute. But I'm
overhearing a conversation between 2 guys arguing that, with few exceptions, basketball team are named after ...
... cities not states. With one of these exceptions being (the state of) New Orleans.
If you're going to be ignorant, don't be loud.
I'm on an Iris kick. There seem to be dozens of different types of irises in bloom on my way to work. This one is in front of my office.